The acupuncture applied from the field of Chinese medicine, is already one of the most common treatment form of conventional medicine. Due the application of red, blue
and green lasers can the pain and acupuncture are be stimulate in different ways.
Every acupuncture area is in interaction with a speacial organ or the organ circle and
causes a targeted cure.
The laser light stimulates the biological information flow between the cells which reinforced positiv the cell metabolism and the new formation of tissue is
which enables a cure and regulation process.
Laseracupuncture are used for example for neurology treatment, like treating migraine or for orthopedics treating joint problems.
The following table shows the wide treatment possibility of Laseracupuncture.
Orthopedics | Neurology/Psych. | Internal Medicine | Dermatology |
Spine Syndroms |
Residual paralysis after stroke | Gastrointerectal Diseases | Eczema |
Disc Herniation | Migraine and other Headache syndrom | Circulatory Disorders | Atopic Diseases |
Knee Osteoarthritis | Trigeminal Neurologia | Bronchial Asthma | psoriasis |
Coxarthritis |
Tinnitus |
Allergie Diseases | Chronic wounds |
Thumb Osteoarthritis | Depression | Hypertension | Ache |
Shoulder Arthritis | Psychovegetative Exhaution | Diabetes mellitus | Herpes |
Tennis elbow | Addictions | General Fatigue | Shingles |
Tendinitis | MS and other neurodegenerative Diseases | gingivitis | |
Fibromyalgia Snydrom and PCP Parkinsons Disease | Parkinson`s Disease | ||
Ankylosing Spondolyttis |